

Our Evangelist

Joshua Higgins - (925}596-0362

Our Elders

The primary role of an elder is to watch over the souls of those in the church. We have six men who have taken on this work:

Dan Blackburn - (303) 990-4143

Dennis Hallberg - (970) 227-6501

Josh Higgins - (925) 596-0362

Mark Qualls - (303) 995-8007

Steve Vrooman - (970) 791-1787

Our Deacons

The role of a deacon is to take care of the physical needs of the church so that the elders can concentrate on shepherding the spiritual needs of the flock.

There are a number of Deacons within the congregation who assist the Elders with various matters pertaining to the work of the church, selected according to the qualifications listed in 1 Timothy 3:8-13.


Qualifications Of An Elder

Above reproach, Husband of one wife, Having children who believe, Not self-willed, Not quick-tempered, Not addicted to wine, Hospitable, Loving what is good, Sensible, Just, Devout, Self-controlled, Holding fast the faithful word, Prudent, Respectable, Able to teach, Gentle, Peaceable, Free from the love of money, Not a new convert, Having a good reputation with those outside the church.
(Titus 1:5-9, 1 Timothy 3:2-7)

Qualifications Of A Deacon

Men of dignity, Not double-tongued, Not addicted to much wine, Not fond of sordid gain, Hold to the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience, Husbands of one wife, Good managers of their children and their households.
(1 Timothy 3:8-13)

  1. Bible Class
    2/9/25 09:30am
  2. Worship Service
    2/9/25 10:30am
  3. Bible Class
    2/12/25 07:00pm
  4. Bible Class
    2/16/25 09:30am
  5. Worship Service
    2/16/25 10:30am
  6. View Full Calendar